Adversary Simulation made easy

MACAT is the Malware and APT Collection and Attack Tool.

Simulate Threat Actor activities to test and improve your cybersecurity defenses

App screenshot

Execute faster and easier

Everything you need
to Accelerate
your Threat-Informed Defense program


MACAT supports existing industry standard file formats which makes for simple expansion of content and readable activities.

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Results Tracking

Automatically save a detailed record of every adversary simulation execution for log review and result comparison.

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Data Sharing

Data sharing is a first-class feature. Load, save, and share data in the MACATable TOML data format or use the Atomic Red Team YAML format.

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Quick Start

Automatic Content Synchronization

Immediate access to thousands of adversary procedures from Atomic Red Team and other community threat repositories


Track Your Results

Send MACAT output directly to a VECTR instance


Easy Recovery

MACAT has built-in error reporting and status indicators to correct issues when running adversary simulations


Save / Load Custom Simulations

Content is managed in easily modifiable text files, perfect for source control or sharing


MACAT is compatible with purpose-built cybersecurity tools focused on solving specific problems. Many organizations struggle implementing, scaling, and learning complex automations or other adversary simulation tools.

MACAT starts with the basics to help you and your team learn and grow.

VECTR Atomic Red Team SavvyCal